Monday, September 10, 2018

Inconvenient Denihilism. Cost: $Everything

I noticed the Lost Boys over on Zerohedge were up to their usual climate change denialism lately. Because really, in the age of deaths of despair, what to believe in anymore but lying circus clowns and conspiracy theories...

Be that as it may, and given that the U.S. is the only country on the entire planet that is not a signator to the Paris Agreement, I've realized that in an Idiocracy it all comes down to marketing. After all, Tea Party members don't have any problem with Medicare, they're just against "socialized" medicine. And so it is with climate change, we just have to market it differently to gain attention. We have to put it in terms that even the dumbest fucking moron can understand. The only way to get through to them is with new reality TV shows, such as: "Fixer Upper And Downer", "Househunters By Accident", "Flip or Belly Flop?", "Love It, Or Leave It In A Hurry", "Beachfront Bargains For Everyone". It's all in the marketing. Below is something that even the most dedicated denialists will have a hard time explaining away, but they will anyways. 

Of the costliest hurricance seasons (inflation-adjusted) in the past 80 years, the top four came in the past 14 years. It's sheer coincidence, I know. And certainly nothing man-made. For Nassim Taleb acolytes, this would be statistically impossible IF these were random events.   


As we approach the endgame, it's important to remember that the truth is a consumer choice, just like any other.

Caveat Emptor.