"At the end, they bid up each others' stocks, pretending to be wealthy. When the economy refused to float back from China, they just imagined one instead..."
This just in: the top 20 fake billunaires own as much as 152 million Americans:
Nasdaq 100 w/Fed Funds rate (red):
Relative Strength (lower pane) peaked 13 months ago...
When the Fed Balance Sheet (red) peaked, relative strength peaked:
"It seemed odd that everyone was retiring at the same time, but it didn't affect me at the time, so I said fuck 'em"
Stocks versus Employment
The Fed decided that if they raised interest rates, the economy would magically re-appear...
One year Treasury yields (black) versus deflation (red)
Amazon and Walmart:
When Walmart was no longer cheap enough, jobless consumers went China-Direct...Etraders piled into the profitless stock with a 1000:1 P/E ratio...
Corporate Profits had been imploding for over a year...
Data from: http://us.spindices.com/indices/equity/sp-500
ConnedSumer Sentimentality peaked a year ago...
"I knew something was missing, but I couldn't put my finger on it..."