Saturday, December 5, 2015


Societies collapse when the corrupt oligarchs and their flunkies at the top are never held accountable for their relentless rent-seeking and wealth extraction at public expense...

Debt accumulation by year 

2014: +$950 billion...Last year's debt accumulation was as high as it was in 2008, one year into recession...5.5% of GDP:

"The bailout was paid back"

GDP - Debt year over year aka. Fake recovery...

The  reason NOTHING ever changes, is because under today's corporate Idiocracy, the people at the top are never held accountable for their ongoing larceny. The zombies are too busy pursuing personal bankruptcy while playing fake-believe to give a damn about "the unknowable future". They've turned politics into just another sport, consisting of "winners" and "losers". Life itself, is just an extended high school popularity contest, full of superficial uber-buffoons who never bothered to grow the fuck up and worry about anyone except themselves... 

All of that has to change before we can look the next generation in the eye and say that we protected their future. At that point, the zombies will just be in the fucking way...