Saturday, October 10, 2015

When The Dow Breaks. The Illusion Will Fall

"George Orwell offered an excellent explanation for this phenomenon: as the imperial end-game approaches, it becomes a matter of self-preservation to breed a special-purpose ruling class—one that is incapable of understanding that the end-game is approaching" 
- License to Kill, Orlov

The Dow Jones Grand Casino is the Berlin Wall of the Corporate Globalized Empire. It's the facade that today's robber baron oligarchs hide behind. Second derivative economic collapse can take place over months and years, but as long as the casino is open, the sheeple blindly assume that the status quo will last forever.

Few if anyone from the outside, predicted the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Even on the inside no doubt the Party Apparatchik was largely in denial until the last moments, betrayed by a lifetime of denialistic hubris. Insolvency has a way of accelerating at the very end. We're a denialistic species at the core. The Blue Planet God gave us wasn't good enough, so we fabricated our own God to sanctify the landfill and fill it with worthless junk.

The Almighty Dow Casino is crumbling and so are the denialistic buffoons hiding behind it...

Deja Vu:
Dow with % of stocks above 200 day moving average