Saturday, October 10, 2015

BTFD: "Buy The Fucking Delusion"

Never warn people over and over again that the impossible is not possible. They'll stop believing you and go ALL IN instead. Whatever gets the job done...

Prerequisites for a mega-crash:
Backtest the volatility trend line amid massive short-covering. 

10% historical odds of "winning" in the 4th quarter, when entering at a loss
Volatility with momentum aka. "Deja vu"

The market has gone nowhere for 12 months (dotted blue line)
A head and shoulders top has been formed. Solid blue line is neck line
Overlapping waves = no momentum (red line)
The left shoulder had peak momentum, whereas this latest "rally" (sideways churn) barely even registers...
Price / Volume (30 dma)

One year later, and they're still buying the delusion. Some people really like to learn the hard way:

Heightened volatility is precursor to recession:
20 year Volatility (VXO):