Saturday, May 10, 2014

There But for the Grace of God Go I

A Society Can Be Greedy, Or it Can Be Stupid, But It Can't Be Both
Even at this late juncture there is literally no widespread acknowledgement as to the imbalanced Ponzi nature of Globalization. The obligatory trade deficits, the correlated debt accumulation, the net lack of Developed-world job creation, the zero sum game between declining wages and rising profits, the insane Third World pollution, the factory slaves with trampolines to prevent suicide, profit margins that are 1/30th in the Third World versus Developed world, wages that are 1/10th as high etc. Outside of the alt-internet, Globalization is still no more than a tangential side story, if anything. You know, the obligatory "white washed" corporate PR campaign when everyone is shocked to find out that the iPhone is made by people earning $.50 an hour in a Medieval sweatshop. After that, it's back to business as usual...

Globalization is at the Heart of Every Major Problem We Face
Globalization, as it is currently configured i.e. as a Ponzi Scheme, is the root cause of all major issues - economic, environmental, energy. However, the Idiocracy has an overriding need to see every issue in isolation, because that drives plausible deniability. By looking at issues in silos, it prevents having to acknowledge the blatant fact that the status quo consumption-oriented lifestyle is at the root cause of all problems. Indeed, it is the problem. 7 billion people can't all compete for the same resources while maintaining the developed world's 10:1 ratio of resource consumption. Peak oil and associated carbon pollution wouldn't be a fucking problem if we didn't have SUVs driving across 5 states to soccer tournaments, subsidized by cheap money flowing from wage slaves in China. And this ludicrous "Dude, where's the economy" job search every month with the jobs report is beyond even my own profane superlatives. You can't send your entire manufacturing base and associated engineering capability and intellectual property to another country and then still expect to have the same rate of job creation as in decades past. We are dealing with some hardcore dumbfucks right now. Clearly my overriding mistake for these past five years was systematically underestimating how stupid this society is capable of becoming. I've made the same mistake over and over again. I literally can't keep up.

You Can't Find the Truth With Your Head up Your Ass
Obviously there is no absolute truth in this world we occupy, however directionally, humans theoretically are capable of understanding right from wrong. So human truth is like magnetic North, it's not true North, but it's close enough.

Letting Go of Our Castles In the Sky
That's not the point. The point is that most adults are not capable of finding the truth, because the hardest part of the journey to the truth is not the facts and data, it's the letting go of our cherished assumptions. To give an extreme example, billionaires and elites are always the farthest from the truth. They live in their own self-manufactured bubbles that are predicated upon decades-old assumptions. They live in castles in the sky. To some extent we all live in our own self-manufactured castles in the sky, mostly generated by ego and our own need to feel that we are at the center of our own universe. Our vaunted station in life - the illusion that is the bedrock of our fragile self-image. Finding the truth requires us to let that all go. To give up several decades of hard "work", and otherwise be humble enough to see things as they are, not as we want them to be. To acknowledge that all of us humans are not that different after all.

This Is All At the Expense of Future Generations and Third World Factory Slaves
Coming to terms with Globalization requires even greater brutal honesty - it requires us to acknowledge that the inherently exploitative global system of trade that subsidizes our entire way of life, is going away, and moreover, should go away. At this juncture, it's solely supported by ever-greater debt accumulation, a massively degraded environment, and slave wages. It all comes at the expense of future generations and Third World factory slaves. 

Einstein's Question
Einstein once said that if he had an hour to solve a problem, he would spend the first fifty-five minutes determining the underlying question, and then the last 5 minutes coming up with the obvious solution.

The only question that matters around Globalization was always, why us and not them?

After that, the truth comes really easy.

There but for the grace of God go I
(aka. Some people just have to learn the hard way)

The Globalized Slave Economy
"Is This A Great Fucking Ponzi Scheme, Or What?"