Saturday, November 16, 2019

The New Permanently High Plateau. Indeed.

"Stocks have reached a new permanently high plateau"
- Irving Fisher, 1929

Under the corporate model, no one is "owed" anything. Least of all the truth...

It's called consumer choice. So I am told. 

Over the past century, corporations have cultivated a now ubiquitous form of industry-flexible (outer-directed) sociopath, wholly cleaved of morality. This new competitive consumption obedient drone gauges success solely on a relative competitive basis. As society collapses down the moral abyss, they happily follow...

"The Lonely Crowd argues that society dominated by the outer-directed, faces profound deficiencies in leadership, individual self-knowledge, and human potential"


"[Consumption-oriented] Other-directed people are  flexible and willing to accommodate others to gain approval. Because large organizations prefer this type of personality, this type have become indispensable to the institutions that thrived with the growth of industry in America...Today the triumph of this type of social personality is complete"

In other words, our sociological advancements as a species to date, are less than nil. The corporate Idiocracy experiment has been a detour to a dead end way of life. Evolution in reverse.

The burden of proof is on me, which proves my point. 

At this present juncture, there have never been more unique ways to self-medicate oneself into oblivion - from alcohol and cigarettes, to vaping, ubiquitous pot, video games, internet porn, Netflix vacations, and of course the real drug dealers: American big pharma: Who have killed more people just in the past few years than all drug dealers combined. Subsidized by insurance programs. For a real waste of life, just watch Faux News and CNN all day to find out what's not happening in the real world. Two thousand television channels of intellectually void content. All dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. To maximize profit. 

All of this was ironically predicted via the Unabomber manifesto:

"Kaczynski argues that the erosion of human freedom is a natural product of an industrial society because "the system has to regulate human behavior closely in order to function", and that reform of the system is impossible because "changes large enough to make a lasting difference in favor of freedom would not be initiated because it would be realized that they would gravely disrupt the system". 

He argues that most people spend their time engaged in useless pursuits because of technological advances; he calls these "surrogate activities" wherein people strive toward artificial goals"

"Technology has had a destabilizing effect on society, has made life unfulfilling, and has caused widespread psychological suffering"

When the Unabomber wrote his manifesto, it was easy to dismiss out of hand. The degradation of society was early days. Fast forward however, and his prediction has played out in plain view - leading to a society that has been systematically strip-mined not just of material solvency, but of mental and physical faculty as well. Lost sheeple who have given themselves over to a "system" that thrives upon surrogate activities, wherein people strive toward artificial goals, such as dying sooner rather than later.

The "hope" in this equation is the fact that today's artificial intelligence is not as intelligent as it sounds:

"The system has not yet fully achieved "control over human behavior" and "is currently engaged in a desperate struggle to overcome certain problems that threaten its survival"

The deficiency in the system is that it is based upon carbon fuel. Which contrary to obligatory denialists, is in limited supply on this planet.