Once upon a time, brown people ruled North America, but then they were "displaced" by white settlers. Now the reverse is taking place. Some people are not happy about "their country" being taken over:
Mayberry has indeed changed during the past 50 years:
"Since 1965, when U.S. immigration laws replaced a national quota system, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. has more than quadrupled. Immigrants today account for 13.5% of the U.S. population, nearly triple the share (4.7%) in 1970."
Immigration and Nationality Act:
"The 1965 Act marked a change from past U.S. policy which had discriminated against non-northern Europeans. In removing racial and national barriers the Act would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S."
Conspiracy theorists will no doubt view this as a deliberate attempt to brownify the United States. However, the act was passed at a time when Globalization was in its infancy. My opinion is that U.S.A. Incorporated couldn't compete with the Third World and therefore allowed the Third World to enter the U.S. From that point forward profit margins expanded. Pew also points out that the Asian-born population will outnumber the Latino population by 2055 as Asian immigration now EXCEEDS Latino immigration. What we need is a wall at the airport. Regardless, demograpically speaking, the "damage" is done. The MAGA movement may have made sense 50 years ago, but now at best it's an old geezer fantasy. The white population is aging at above median rates, while the immigrant birth rate is growing above the median rate. Whites will become a minority in the U.S. by 2045. No amount of walls will change that fact. Personally, I am half white and half brown, so I uniquely don't give a shit. Having been an infinitesimal minority my entire life, I will become the steady majority. Of course if they expanded the definition of "white" to half white, then whites would be a majority likely forever. But the number of birther conspiracies would be astronomical:
"Forty-six percent of white Democrats and a whopping 74 percent of Republicans expressed anger or anxiety when reading about the impending white-minority status"
What I am describing of course is pretty much the same situation across the entire developed world, with a few minor exceptions - Switzerland etc.
Of course when the Ponzi spigots are turned off, that's when it gets interesting. The birth rate will fall and the mortality rate will rise. The entire developed world will be Japanified.
Politically, you don't have to be a genius to know what becomes of the MAGA party when that happens.
The days of saving their country from the slaves they imported will be over.
As will slavery masquerading as a business model.
Thank God.