Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Just Dessert. Please"

Two years of continuous "BTFD" later - at the advice of proven psychopaths - and the casino has lost its bid. Because there are no more well trained chimps beneath the market. Go figure...

The bailout is the root cause of today's problems - not only did it prove that the "system" has failed, worse yet, it gave free reign to rampant criminality. Now, the sheeple at large are totally oblivious to "corruption as usual".

Already in an advanced state of mental breakdown, there won't be enough Prozac around for what comes next...

Big Cap Tech has lost its bid as hedge funds get liquidated en masse:

"After beleaguered hedge fund managers had their worst month in seven years, many are bracing for an industry day of reckoning: Nov. 15. That’s the deadline for investors to put managers on notice to get some -- or all -- of their money at year end."

If history is any guide, the rush for the exits will be swift and accelerate"

The blood is in the water:

Financials got monkey hammered today as House Democrats announced that the era of deregulated corruption is over.

Stop me any time:

No one believes in bailouts more than Uncle Wally:

"The latest addition to the "Oracle of Omaha" portfolio emphasizes Berkshire Hathaway's growing confidence in the U.S. banking system"

Notice however, that Apple is his largest holding by twice the next largest position. Because stock buybacks are like crack cocaine for Uncle Wally.  

And apparently he learned nothing from his IBM lesson that stock buybacks don't offset imploding growth. Just because someone paid a trillion dollars for a brick yesterday doesn't make it worth a trillion dollars today. 

Another reason the casino has lost its bid is because short-covering in retail stocks, ahead of this week's big earnings over. 

No one wants to hold this crap ahead of Black Friday next week:

Put it all together and what do you get?

An unexpected visit from inconvenient reality