Saturday, August 25, 2018

Countdown To Self-Implosion aka. False Pride

This past week Donny's trusting base doubled down on the casino-bankrupter-in-chief. Rule #1, never go FULL Donny, it might turn out that "someone else" isn't the one getting fucked this time around...

"Consumer choice"

The most important thing that wasn't learned in 2008 was humility: Taking down the all-knowing bimbos on Faux News. America has always had a problem with hubris, but since the Dumbfuck-in-chief got elected, false pride has reached level '11' asinine, especially among Trump's alt-Christian base of sanctimonious hypocrites. When I say a "good" lesson is coming, I mean in the biblical sense. 

As of Friday, there is now a 96% probability of Fed-assisted global implosion within the next month, or imminently, whichever comes sooner... 

2018 year-to-date can be summarized thusly:

The lie of borrowed prosperity, aka. Voodoo Economics

A borrowed tax cut for the ultra-wealthy squandered on stock buybacks and insider cash outs, and paid for by the rest of the world:

As we didn't learn three years ago, the countdown doesn't always make it to September...

We have reason to believe it might not take until September this time either