Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dow $20 Trillion: Euthanized By Deceptional Bullshit

Corporate serfs are obediently following their corporate bitch masters to the very end...

Post-2008, debt was conveniently conflated with "wealth". After that it was off to the races all over again. Central Banks amply supplied the junkies with cheap debt, which was imported from the Third World compliments of Walmart and the trade deficit.

For their part, the lamestream media is merely sound and fury signifying nothing. Their hyper-ventilating fake narratives are now colliding like particles in a centrifuge. All while the Idiocracy comfortably stews in their vat of junk food and junk culture. Which is exactly what the corporate masters want. Obedient sheeple who question nothing while getting consumed like every other disposable commodity...

The lamestream ball of confusion assures that they'll never see it coming. They're all subscribing to their own personalized version of what's not going to happen...

Dow 20,000 aka. $20 Trillion...

The retail stock index with Consumption Sentiment (red):
