Wednesday, June 29, 2016

They Have To Lose Everything First

That gets their attention...
Globalization makes people poor instead of rich. There's only one set of people left to learn that lesson. The ones who think that their exploitation scheme is a fucking casino...

This article (below) from ZH is exactly what I was alluding to in my prior post about Globalization - the pseudo-elites think that everyone who is against the status quo is a racist bigot moron. Furthermore, they just assume that we'll all go under the bus and they'll continue to trade Netflix back and forth pretending to be wealthy. Their "recovery" was a total fucking fabrication at 0%. So now they're sky-diving without a safety net, oblivious to what comes next. No one is going to be defending Globalization on the other side of Ponzi collapse...

ZH: June 29, 2016
Elites Called To Arms Against Ignorant Masses

They're the ones who are ignorant and the price of that arrogance will be mighty steep...

This is the Wilshire 5000 Total Market index:
The first dip gets bought, not so much the second...
ZH: June 29, 2016
Biggest Short Squeeze In Five Years

"It was a bad time for window dressing the quarter"
Global Dow with VIX:

Global Dow short-term

Oil and stocks

Oil volatility with stock volatility

One of these is right, the other is about to get monkey hammered...

Treasury (yields) versus stocks: