Thursday, June 9, 2016

Occupy Dumb Beta aka. Shanghai Surprise

What's the difference between a perma-bear and everyone else? One wants to see it coming, and the rest don't. Because every tool thinks that THEY alone will get out at the top. In other words, throwing all of their money away at the casino while pretending to be wealthy, looked like so much fun in China, that the usual bagholders here are trying the same thing...

Sudden death triple overtime visualized:

As long as no one sells this will all work out fine...

Bearish billionaires are now taunted by the Murdoch Media aka. Faux News. History's most successful global macro trader is bearish, so take the advice of a columnist making $50k per year, and bet against him...

Central Banks
Carry Trade
Dumb Beta aka. the usual bagholders

Hot money:

Yield (30 year Treasury) is pulling the carry trade lower. Stocks are running out of hot money liquidity, as each bounce in USDJPY gets weaker and weaker...

JPY (red). Treasuries (blue). Stocks (black):

Institutions left the building a long time ago...
"Tell me when this is ending because I want to be the first one out this time"

Price / volume:

Dumb beta is the last source of liquidity i.e. the usual bagholders throwing their life savings away while pretending to be wealthy...

Dumb Beta back test. What else?

Speaking of billunaires and dumb beta, NO ONE has been luckier in their lifetime than closet indexer, Warren Buffett. Mr. "America has never been greater. For me, fuck everyone else"...ALL IN on the longest economic expansion in human history. No fucking clue what's coming...

Because there's no free lunch hiding at the bottom of the *free* trade Cracker Jack box...