Thursday, May 5, 2016

Lazy Growth aka. Third World Aspirations

What makes a Third World country Third World, is an exploitation mentality...the people at the top don't see this as a ponzi scheme because they're the only ones still benefiting from it. They'll be the last to know...

And the jobs number doesn't matter, because wages are stagnant...Everyone thinks Japan needs structural change, well the U.S. needs structural change too...

Real growth results from innovation, investment, and increased productivity. "Growing" the economy using mass immigration and outsourcing is lazy growth - a Ponzi scheme to the benefit of ever fewer people, on the way to none. The people at the bottom are left competing with an ever larger pool of commodified labour. All papered over with debt and money printing. I mean "Keynesian bombing of foreigners". 

Below is the result of decades of lazy growth. Wages as a percent of GDP falls while becoming concentrated in the upper percentile of workers (not shown), who personally couldn't give a fuck about anyone else. For example the mannekins in corporate media. 

Corporations benefit and the ever-dwindling upper middle class benefits. But everyone else loses. Ultimately revenue stagnates debts skyrocket and then it all collapses, amid complete surprise of course. Especially to the people at the top...

Notice how wages always tick up at the end of the cycle, giving fake hope right before they get monkey hammered by recession. Yes you can fool EconoDunces over and over and over again...

Nov. 2015:
U.S. wages grow at best pace in 6 years

It's already going in reverse, but they have no clue
"The Ponzi scheme has never been better"