Saturday, March 26, 2016

Social Mood Has Collapsed

Prechter always said that Social Mood would trump Central Banks. Well now he's right...

CNBC March 17, 2016
IPO Market Stuck In Second Longest Drought Ever

Guess when the longest drought ever was...hint: circled blue down arrow...

IPO Count (red) (3 month average) with Small Cap Growth index:
Data from Renaissance Capital-manager of IPO-Focused ETFs

Broker Dealer Index aka. "Wall Street"

If this "rally" is so impressive why are there no IPOs coming to market? As I've said many times, this last "bounce" in stocks is strictly a defensive rotation, there's no appetite for risk anymore.

IPOScoop March 20th, 2016
"Where Are the IPOs?"

"Hedge fund investment in VC-backed tech rounds lowest in 3 yrs"

"We’ve completely stopped investing in private tech"

Rydex Bull:Bear asset allocation

Russell/Dow ratio (Small cap / Large cap):