Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This Globalized Circle Jerk Is Out of Time

Our pseudo-elites all have one thing in common, they're all corrupt dunces who lie constantly. They can't imagine a world that doesn't have them installed at the top. Because they won't survive.

Their only skills are exploiting cheap labour, selling off assets, printing money, and pretending to know the impossible...

Oil (black) with S&P (red):

The steepest and fakest rally so far...
This is the steepest rally in the S&P since the Flash Crash. All thanks to moonshots of junk being puked out by unwinding hedge funds - Casinos, revenueless Biotech, bankrupt Energy companies, insolvent miners, Deutsche Bank and imploding retail stocks...I'm sure these two massive gaps will last a few hours:

Oil with S&P :15 minute:

These are the OIL (black) AND GASOLINE (red) inventories with today's "drawdown" figures for oil that caused the latest fake rally:

We've never seen anything this asinine before...

These two lines trended together until 2015 when refiners decided to take advantage of low oil prices and bulk up. Unfortunately, they're maxed out now and the price of oil is still at a 13 year low...

This is gasoline inventories with the price of oil. The 2009 low is circled.