iPhoney 11++
The thick black line below shows current level of liquidity. Coloured lines represent historical liquidity depth. X-axis along bottom is time of day.
The definition of an Idiocracy is a society that talks non-stop but never learns anything. Blowing smoke up each others' asses is their way of comfort-seeking that requires no change or action. Because in the old age home, absolutely nothing is allowed to change. If dinner time was moved from 4:30 to 5pm, the geezers would shit a brick.
We already know EXACTLY how this will end, we just don't know the exact millisecond. So from the Idiocratic standpoint, that's totally useless information. If they can't buy a weekly option to trade it, then it's clearly a Black Swan head-in-ass event.
There was a Flash Crash in 2010 that cost trillions of dollars. Ignored. And then there was just another one this past August. Ignored. There are single-stock flash crashes every single day.
We're just waiting for the one that sticks.
"Because that's how we roll baby..."