Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Silicon Valley Is Fucked Company And Wall Street Is the Dumb Money

Tens of billions of private capital is now locked up in high burn rate junk that was supposed to be dumped on the muppets at large. Meanwhile the 80% of recent IPOs that are now underwater (based on first day close) are locked out of the capital market. 

Here's the CEO of a recent IPO giving an investor presentation (SFXEntertainment, see below). His company organizes rave parties for kids high on crystal meth. 

Wall Street and Silicon Valley are the last muppets. Along with their buy-and-hold zombies of course...

Way back in Y2K whenever a Dotcom imploded they would tell their tale of woe on FC.comThis time Wall Street is the dumb money, trapped in Amazon and Facebook...

Nasdaq 100 with three month volatility. Now that everyone's had a chance to load up, this bitch is ready to explode...

SillyCon Valley is FuckedCompany
This latest headfake rally doesn't even register for IPOs...

Shake Shack is the fourth BEST performing IPO of 2015 i.e. because it priced at $20. Meaning that it made Wall Street a lot of money and then fucked over the muppets...

"SteadyMed": Ok, whatever

I'm not making this shit up...

This is the company that organizes the rave parties. It peaked on day one...

Camera on a helmet. 

Uber is shitting a brick. Right now.