MW: Nov. 2, 2015
The Best Time To Buy Stocks Is Right Now
"The stock market has its best performance during the winter months"
[i.e. Because that's when Wall Street receives their bonus]
"Who wants to get muppetized?"
Those buying stocks at the top in October 1929, had to wait 25 years to 1955 to break-even...
March 7, 2014:
Double or Dog Food All IN @ Dow Casino
"really, today's investors are nothing more than compulsive gamblers, playing the market like it's a lottery - all in, double or dog food...meanwhile the Wall Street croupiers laugh while they sweep the influx of dumb money straight into offshore bank accounts..."
Fast forward a few hundred pump and dumps later:
Meanwhile, back in reality, there's never been a worse time to buy stocks...
Corporate profits baselined to GDP:
Labor Participation rate with Stocks (divided by debt and CPI):
The last muppet show is now playing...The S&P has gone nowhere for two months, but UnHedged funds have been hammered by volatility. A mild taste of things to come.
Fed policy by Police Squad shellacked hedge funds. The S&P is right back to the Flash Crash level. It's time for round 2...