"The ancient Rabbis contrasted God's sovereignty with the rule of Rome. Rome seeks its own glory, wars against other peoples to subjugate them, revels in material existence, lives off the work of slave labor, allows many to die of poverty and starvation, and promotes entertaining circuses and gladiator spectacle. The Rabbis, picturing redemption, remark that the messianic age will be recognized when an end is brought to the rule of wickedness." - Solomon Schechter
The biggest bubble in human history is totally invisible to zombies. They ARE the fucking bubble...
"Freedom" is a corporate slogan chanted by mindless zombies. All aspects of our lives are governed by and for large corporations...
The leaderless political charade, now collapsing into the chasmic gap between reality and delusion
The profit extraction program formerly known as 'the economy'
"Free trade" Labor Farce Non-Participation aka. 'musical chairs with jobs'
Environmental degradation aka. Consumption-oriented voluntary bankruptcy
Geopolitical strife aka. corporate colonialism
The byzantine "legal system" consisting of an ever-growing detritus of new laws, enabling rent-seeking for the benefit of a self-nominated minority
Faux News: corporate-sponsored propaganda in support of corporate colonialism
Mental illness - junk food and junk culture chased with psychotic-inducing pharmaceuticals
CasinoConomy - obsession with trading pieces of paper back and forth in a zero sum game, while everything implodes
The Matrix is complete.
The Borg never questions its master.