Saturday, August 8, 2015

KamikazeNomics: A One Way Trip

Printing money to buy stocks while the economy dissolves, was ironically invented by the Japanese. Surprisingly, it never works...

Junk food, junk culture, unreality TV, Kardashians, American Idolatry, South Park, 90 Kids But Who's Counting, ESPN, soccer tournaments, CNN, Faux News, Prozac, Oxycontin, booze, medical marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Fed dopium, self-delusion, politics.

The stoned Idiocracy is fully euthanized. Too stoned to realize their six year game of charades is ending.

Their lofty credo is: "Be anywhere but here, now"...

Unfortunately, the de facto Idiocracy just ran into the Brick Wall of China:

You know you're living on Fantasy Island when the world's leading stock market is Japan which peaked 25 years ago...

They invented KamikazeNomics...

France peaked 15 years ago

Italy: Going along with the charade. Barely

It's been a "fun" parlour game in the Old Age Home, but the ending will be the most spectacular...