Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bonfire Of The Sanities: Deez Nuts Indeed.

The circus of buffoons is reaching the epic finale. Unfortunately, South Park Nation will not be laughing at the end...

The posers are running out of time. Non-stop pretending has taken its toll.

They had a choice to become a human being or an obedient corporate zombie, and the choice was easily made. Unfortunately, being a poser zombie is a full time job. There is no time left over to focus on what is truly important in life, much less to understand the world around them. The corporations demanded this fealty of them - to winnow life down to job, sports and entertainment.  Substitute politics for sports, for the over-educated. 

In this latest political circus, the leading candidate on the Republican side is a professional uber-buffoon, who spends his whole time disparaging everyone. Nevertheless, he is invincible to his milequetoast competitors since he randomly tells the truth from time to time like some sort of random number generator. Whereas his competitors couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended upon it.

On the Democrat side, there is ultra-left candidate Bernie Sanders, the inevitable consequence of Commie Capitalists selling off the middle class for special dividends, and leaving people with nothing left to lose. A strategy that the kings of old would have considered the height of amateur asinine, versus today's slumdog billunaires who fete their fake wealth in Davos and on their Monte Carlo yacht circuit. Too clueless to realize that the political pendulum swings in an arc and never stops in the middle. 

And then there is this 90 year old woman who was already defeated by the incumbent President. She's recycled status quo, forever locked in the Faux News Benghazi Whitewater witch hunt. 

And to add insult to injury, the media now has to keep track of another trending fake candidate "Deez Nuts", who is topping the polls in several states. A 15 year old boy from Iowa no less.

Aug. 22, 2015: HuffPo

"Deez Nuts" is hot. The independent presidential candidate pulled in the support of 9 percent of North Carolina voters, according to a Public Policy poll released Wednesday. That goes along with the 8 percent in Minnesota and 7 percent in Iowa he got in Public Policy's recent polling. Nuts' 9 percent beat out most Republican presidential candidates including Scott Walker, Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee (each with 6 percent) as well as Rand Paul (3 percent), Chris Christie (2 percent), Rick Santorum (2 percent), John Kasich (1 percent) and Rick Perry (1 percent). The independent candidate is also much more popular than Lindsey Graham who, the survey notes, has "literally no supporters."

It's "Deez Nuts are hot", not "is hot", there's no accuracy in reporting anymore...

And they have to track this entire circus with a straight face, and pretend that they themselves are not the ultimate clowns in the circus for believing that any of this even matters.

And of course in the meantime, while their beloved circus for the old age home continues, NO ONE is tracking inbound objects...

Aug. 22, 2015: Barron's

Deez Nuts have no fear.

They think denial is a river in Egypt.