Wednesday, August 19, 2015

CasinoPedia: "Black Swan Event"

"A plausibly deniable someone else's problem"

Leading to...

Maximum leverage. Maximum assets under management. Maximum bonus.  

Conflict of interest: aka.  "Imagined Reality"

Moral Hazard: Excuse to onboard risk because someone else incurs the cost for it

Excuse to systematically ignore all obvious risks, while vacationing at the Hampton's in late August

Excuse to pretend that all risks are "random and uncorrelated"

Excuse to say "No blind man saw that coming"

Excuse to blow smoke up everyone's ass non-stop:

Black Swan Event:

Black Swan Dive Into Pavement:
aka. "Having one's head installed in their own ass"

Wall Street is a call option on the outsourced economy. Set to expire worthless.

Occupy smoking fucking crater