Here is what Pet Rock, PhD, had to say...
"The major reason we are seeing a trend downwards in labor force participation, is due to demographics. And it will continue"
The truth is the 100% exact opposite of what she just said. Older Americans are working ever-longer, while younger people can't compete with the more skilled older workers hanging onto jobs forever...
Labor participation rate by age:
What a bunch of fucking tools. Congress just sat there like placid cows chewing their cud. The lamestream media didn't blink.
There is ZERO accountability at the top of this clusterfuck. These buffoons lie constantly with no repercussions. If someone at the bottom of this Globalized Tower of Babel so much as skips a beat on the assembly line, they are castigated instantly, for $.50/hour. Their life force gets systematically fed into the Globalized furnace like human charcoal.
Whereas the Central Bank invented Bernie Madoffs at the top of this clusterfuck get bailed out 100 cents on the dollar with trillions in newly printed money, when their obscenely profitable gambling bets go sideways. Meanwhile, Econo-dunces tell us every month that the jobs will come back from China any minute now. I mean next month. Ludicrously overpaid liquidator CEOs buy back their own stock at the expense of investment to give the illusion that earnings are "growing". Lenders are bailed out by giving borrowers more debt. Billunaires tell us that "by any measure things have never been better", while laying off tens of thousands amid record profits.
"We had to lay off 30,000 employees to fund our new going-out-of-business stock buyback venture, and because highest ever profits were not highest enough"
Live by the buffoon. Die by the buffoon.