The Walmartification of the planet, for fun and profit.
19% of Americans trust their own government for their own affairs. But when it comes to "fixing" other countries, they have complete confidence, because we've seen how well that works.
I will go out on a limb and assume that the trust level for the rest of the world in Uncle Sammy, is a tad lower.
But the NeoCons tell us that Iran "can't be trusted". Granted, not because Iran ever used a nuclear weapon or invaded other countries under false pretense, at the behest of NeoCons.
And if you already have troops stationed in 150 countries, is invasion really necessary? There are only 196 total countries after all. 76% of the world's countries kowtow to Uncle Sam, while 19% of Americans trust "him". That's what is known as "exceptional" arrogance.
And therefore Iran, which was a U.S. bitch state for 30 years, is now the "problem", because they no longer grab their ankles with the other 76%.
It may be true that Iran can't be trusted to become America's bitch state again, but it's a proven fact that the NeoCon psychopaths telling us that, can be trusted even less.
"When you really prefer not to see it comingTM"