Monday, July 20, 2015

Mad Men: Ayn Rand's False Gods

The Corporate Idiocracy threw everything God made into the landfill...

So God returned the favour.

The "Atlas-like" job destroyers figured out early on that they had a knack for steam-rolling everyone else and that "knowing things" was just an unnecessary detail. The prevailing culture of buffoonish false bravado lapped up their facile half truths. Neither side had any clue how much bullshit they were free-basing. There was no one around to tell them. 

So they took those Manson-like "social" skills into the work world and as their first order of business outsourced anyone who knew anything and might challenge their unfounded authority. Along with the jobs and factories, which were an "expensive complication". They kept the brand names, which they would lever 10x with offshore factories and stock buybacks. Since they themselves had no fucking clue about anything, they kept a few PhDs around on short leash to invent whatever MBA curriculum was needed to rationalize the impending devastation. By the end, they had monetized everyone and everything, including themselves and their like-minded sociopathic corporations. A country club full of Bernie Madoffs running amok. Human call options, set to expire worthless.  

The disposable Idiocracy at large venerated and emulated the vaunted sociopaths who then jumped from corporations to government back and forth. Facilitating the continuous flow of Monetary and Fiscal "Keynesian" corporate profit stimulus. Like fake Gods, they created their own corporate-controlled media infotainment unreality TV and thereby abolished any form of real intelligence. 2,000 channels of vacuous garbage. There would be no learning on the Learning Channel and no history on the History Channel.  

It was all fake, hollow, and utterly pointless, like the shrink-wrapped society that embraced it. They couldn't possibly see it ending in broad daylight, since their deep fried brains were far too weak to acknowledge any vestige of reality.   

Someone had to prove it wouldn't work, so they did. An historical dead-end, inconveniently swan diving straight into the dumpster. Lid closed. 

Then we move forward. 

Believe in reality or believe in unreality. Live by the buffoon, die by the buffoon.