Throughout this globalized era, the Third World fully lived up to its reputation as history's largest refugee camp, without any comparison. Mass corruption allowed those countries' elites to turn a blind eye to the mathematical impossibility of Corporate Globalization, and hence they eagerly converted their nations into a medieval sweatshop. Exploiting one's fellow citizens is the inherent nature of Third World mentality. It's a "fuck you jack, I'm ok" everyone for themselves refugee mentality with no possibility of evolving into anything better.
A Fake and Unjustified Superiority Complex
For their part, the developed nations undoubtedly had created a highly successful economy, Pre-Globalization. It all worked just great as long as they enjoyed unfettered access to the entire planet's resources at the expense of the other 75% of the invisible world's population. Once the playing field was leveled and the rest of the world wanted what we had, then it turns out that there really wasn't any advantage at all. We now have the best cappuccino baristas in the entire world. Therefore, the only recourse was to create history's largest ponzi scheme consisting of Third World wage slaves lending their blood, sweat, tears, and deferred consumption (aka. savings) to the bloated developed world, all to maintain appearances of a fake economic superiority. Along the way of course, the developed nations - to varying degrees - adopted their own refugee mentality towards their own citizenry. Thanks to Globalization, "Social darwinism" now afflicts every country on this planet this side of Cuba.
For their part, the developed nations undoubtedly had created a highly successful economy, Pre-Globalization. It all worked just great as long as they enjoyed unfettered access to the entire planet's resources at the expense of the other 75% of the invisible world's population. Once the playing field was leveled and the rest of the world wanted what we had, then it turns out that there really wasn't any advantage at all. We now have the best cappuccino baristas in the entire world. Therefore, the only recourse was to create history's largest ponzi scheme consisting of Third World wage slaves lending their blood, sweat, tears, and deferred consumption (aka. savings) to the bloated developed world, all to maintain appearances of a fake economic superiority. Along the way of course, the developed nations - to varying degrees - adopted their own refugee mentality towards their own citizenry. Thanks to Globalization, "Social darwinism" now afflicts every country on this planet this side of Cuba.
It's Third World corruption all around.
It takes a lot of lies and liars to maintain this illusion.
From the Third World to the First World, they'll be partying at Davos this week.
It takes a lot of lies and liars to maintain this illusion.
From the Third World to the First World, they'll be partying at Davos this week.