Friday, January 16, 2015

Psychopath versus Psychopath

Central Banksters conned Wall Street into believing that the imagined "recovery" is real

So Wall Street went "All In" Betting on a Fake Recovery
ZH: January 16, 2015
Leveraged funds at RECORD SHORT 30 year T-bond:

The bet is that the economy will float back from China any day now...

Shorting this will be hazardous to one's financial health.
Thirty Year Treasury bond at all time high

And of course, Prechter & Co were wrong, but nobody really gives a shit
Their assertion has been that long-term Treasuries peaked in 2012, an opinion of course that was wholly inconsistent with the deflationary thesis, and the experience of the early 1930s. And inconsistent with the minor detail that short interest is at a record high, with bond yields at all time lows.