Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"This Is the WORST Simulated Prosperity In U.S. History"

The U.S. is exhibiting all of the hallmarks of a Third World kleptocracy, replete with its own ultra-corrupt Banana Republican potentate and rampant economic fraud. Ever-greater lying is the only thing keeping this epic con job going...

It's what apologists for greed call "The new normal":

Extreme wealth inequality
Market manipulation
Financial subversion of democracy
Looting of the Treasury
Continuous boom/bust cycle
Monetary simulated prosperity
Eroding institutions

What's not to like?

This is by far the biggest farce of an economy in U.S. history. Which is why so many people believe in it - simulated prosperity and simulated intelligence are now one and the same. At this stage, what passes for common knowledge is whatever lie the loudest clown is shouting from the rooftops. Eagerly propagated by an aging Twitter mob deathly afraid of the truth.

Begin with the most obvious and blatant act of denial - these non-stop monetary bailouts to give the illusion of trickle down wealth. Central banks constantly printing trillions of dollars out of thin air to keep the artificial asset bubble inflated to the sole benefit of the ultra-wealthy - Who by the way no longer pay ANY taxes. And why should they? They earned their wealth the old fashioned way - by standing closest to the printing press. Make no mistake, without these perpetual bailouts, vulture capitalism would have imploded ten years ago. The LEAST deserving class of wealthy Americans in U.S. history, now pays the lowest share of taxes in U.S. history. And yet there are no shortage of useful idiots telling us that we can't raise taxes on the bailout class. Might ruin the "system". These people all believe that if they keep buying Powerball tickets THEY will be the next Bill Gates.

As far as the middle class goes, there IS NO middle class. Only in the United States could the middle class get obliterated in broad daylight under the auspice of "this is the system". All compliments of the myth of the "jobless consumer". As more and more good jobs got swapped out for junk jobs, we were constantly told that the unemployment rate has never been lower. There have never been so many people holding down multiple shitty jobs at the same time. Unemployment has never been lower, underemployment has never been higher - never before have so many people worked outside of their chosen field.

Which gets us to the retail sector. For ten years straight, middle class mall retail has been obliterated in broad daylight - Sears, JC Penney, Macy's, Toys 'R Us, Sports Authority, Radio Shack - some entirely gone, some merely decimated. This was all explained away as a switch to "online shopping", which has only been around for 25 years. The actual switch is to discount shopping. Discount retailers are soaring because they represent the last segment of the retail market, consumers can afford:

"Where did you get your dress, I love it"
"$3.99 at Target"

"Clearly, Target’s efforts to get back to being known as “cheap chic” are working."

Here we see via jewelers the true story of MAGA:

The decimation of middle class retail has NOTHING to do with online shopping. Amazon peaked last October. This is solely about the continued strip-mining of the middle class to benefit America's super-rich bailout class.

The decimation of retail is just another part of the MASSIVE economic fraud that is Trumptopia:

"The consumer is strong"

At what point did "exceptionalism" turn into non-stop lying?

When it was inherited by people who didn't create it in the first place. 

Mind the gap 'n crap

Because when all of these lies get filled, it's going to be fucking brutal

History will say that MAGA was a vacation from responsibility coming at the end of a vacation from reality...