Tuesday, October 1, 2019

An Existential Collapse aka. Terminal Idiocracy

This will decide the fate of the criminality bubble; those who believe they are getting away with it; and those who believe it's just "corruption as usual".  Compliments of Faux News and White House propaganda, none of them see it coming. Sadly, the Republican useful Idiocracy won't survive what comes next. They barely survived their last ass clown...

Club Orlov: License To Kill
"As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures—all except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end, and that they should change their ways accordingly"

What we've learned about the U.S. political system is that democracy only matters when Democrats are in office. For Banana Republicans it's all about dictatorship. 

No sooner had billionaire Jeff Gundlach laid out a successful election rigging path for 2020, than the worst manufacturing reading in a decade exploded in his face.

Faux News, Sept. 30th, 2019:

Gundlach knows that this election is existential for unfettered corruption, and he also knows that it all hinges on the 'Conomy:

“If you have a recession, a negative sign in front of GDP, especially nominal GDP, that would just be horrific,” 

Gundlach's various election rigging gimmicks include a payroll tax relief boondoggle to further implode the deficit, and of course arbitrarily pretending the trade war is won. Pick any day for the announcement since it's a total fabrication anyways. Fucking genius. Faux News loved it. 

But then this inconvenient reality came out, giving Gundlach's prediction the shelf life of a rotten banana:

Trump's trade war is an unmitigated disaster. 

The worst impacts are on the sectors he pretends to care about:

The fact that Faux News acolytes still believe that Trump's economy is strong is testament to the power of exceptional brainwashing. 

Since they can't convince Democrats, the best they can do is prey upon their own useful Idiocracy.

Which is what they do. Incessantly:

In the last cycle, the NBER "predicted" recession a full year after it started. That's how prescient the official forecasters of recession are. Worse yet for all economic prognosticators who have amply proven they can never predict the future, is that compliments of unprecedented casino rigging, markets now drive the economy instead of the other way around. Which means that social mood as it pertains to speculative appetite is more important than ever. And social mood is collapsing right now - as measured by all of the various speculative bubbles. When only recession stocks are making new highs, we can assume that the animal spirits have been duly harvested.

Which we see here vis-a-vis the Dow and new highs (lower pane). Last year versus this year:


Because who would warn them?

Now we learn that casino brokers are going out of business:

"From day one, my passion has been to make investing easier and more affordable for everyone"

Eliminating commissions ensures my ultimate vision is realized -- making investing accessible to all"

Just in time

Look out below