Monday, August 5, 2019

Bullshit In A China Shop aka. Blue Monday

It's time for the casino class to stop taking the working class for granted...

Trump is too much of a dunce to realize that HE is the reason the Chinese currency is falling. China has been intervening to defend the currency. 

Now he must retaliate to prove he's no one's fool:

"You better stop this manipulation, or more tariffs are coming"

Approaching a 90% down day at 3pm:

Breadth worse than VolPlosion 1.0

VolPlosion 1.0 began on Monday February 5th, following an FOMC meeting and a jobs report. Deja Vu. 

The S&P was camped on the 50 day at the Friday close, and then blew through it overnight. Now it's camped at the 200 day. 

You know you're an optimist when:

"What, me worry?"

No Tech support.

As usual.

Nowhere to hide in the casino:

Skynet will now come to terms with social mood implosion, on the right shoulder:

The 2x volatility futures ETN saw record volume on Friday, and again today:

In summary:

The "free money" vacation from reality is over: