Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Age Of Useful Idiots Is Ending. Badly.

Those who don't see it ending have served their purpose...

Senator Snake-In-The-Grassley:

Your plundered tax refund is not the point. The point is that we retained control of the Roman Senate. For which we are grateful to our reliable base of useful idiots. We wouldn't be in power without you: 

The latest desperate Banana Republican argument is to ignore the refund and figure out overall what was paid in taxes for the full year. 

So here we go with a typical example of robbing the poor to give to the rich:

The number of lies and frauds being propagated right now are insane even by Idiocratic standards. If we didn't know that useful lemmings are being herded off a cliff for the last time, this would be a vexing time indeed. National Enquirer had to become the official media outlet for the White House, because Trump can't trust the "fake" news anymore...

To say that history will not be kind to this Roman Circus, is an asinine understatement. 

Zerohedge and the entire post-truth media cabal are having a field day right now monetizing mass confusion. A few facts sprinkled in with toxic bile, the tried and true formula for Faux News. It's working great, because by all accounts, the denialists at large have not the slightest clue what's coming:

Case in point, today's December (Christmas) retail sales were so bad that the business media just decided to ignore it as "fake news".

After all, this is the greatest 'Conomy ever:

"The sudden and unexpected plunge in December's retail sales data raised new concerns about a recession, but economists also say the biggest drop in nine years clashes with other data and may be suspect."

Let's see, plunging retail sales, rising auto delinquencies, tanking housing market, earnings recession, plundered tax refunds. All of which clashes with Wall Street's universally bullish 2019 casino forecast, which is inconveniently turning into a pumpkin a mere six weeks into the new year. 

On the subject of lemmings off the cliff:  since the top last September, the casino has become progressively more overbought on each bounce. This being the most extreme rendition (middle pane). However, as was the case with all prior declines, in this rally breadth rolled over weeks ago, far ahead of the market.

Each decline has been more violent than the previous.

Which portends "unforeseen" mega crash:

This is volatility range expansion caused by months of conflicting and confusing market headlines:

U.S. Healthcare Cartel Causes Two-Thirds Of U.S. Bankruptcies

"About 530,000 American households continue to see their finances wiped out each year due to medical costs, according to the report"

"For middle-class Americans, health insurance offers little protection. Most of us have policies with so many loopholes, copayments, and deductibles that illness can put you in the poorhouse. And even the best job-based health insurance often vanishes when prolonged illness causes job loss—just when families need it most."

No developed country in the world sees anywhere near this level of medical-related bankruptcies.

"I promise to repeal Obamacare and replace it with another tax cut for people like me"

"Never an honest word, that was when I ruled the world"