Thursday, January 24, 2019

The State Of The Implosion

You can be a liar or you can be senile, but you can't be both. Anyone conned by this keystone kops duncefest deserves their fate...

Trump will be remembered for one thing only: non-stop lying right up until final implosion. There is no exit strategy for this clown show, there is only greater and greater buffoonery and debasement heading straight for final inconvenient revelation: that this rampant criminality, poorly concealed by senile liars, is merely the tip of the iceberg. Trump is running government like he runs every other enterprise - into the ground...

Can it get any dumber? Always, apparently yes. The reality TV clown show of corrupt geriatrics contradicting each other and themselves constantly somehow always finds a new level of debasement. When I invoke the term "incontinent geezer" no one embodies this term better than Rudy Giuliani.  

The alt-right theory is that the reason Giuliani continually implicates Trump in crimes isn't because he's senile, it's because he is "desensitizing" us to rampant criminality. It's the Jedi Mind Trick theory of criminal defense. After all, Giuliani follows up every accidental revelation by telling us that anyway, "it's not a crime": Exactly what any six year old would claim if he accidentally revealed his own misdeeds. And perhaps Giuliani's most recent gaffe contradicting two years of Trump lies by saying that the Trump organization was negotiating Trump Moscow right up until the election, did not not convey a crime. UNLESS, it was quid pro quo for election "assistance". Which ties into last week's gaffe wherein Giuliani took the Nixon route of no return by admitting there may have been collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but Trump himself never knew about it. Thereby throwing everyone under the bus to protect the president. 

But it's on the economic front, where this non-stop lying and buffoonery is exacting its greatest toll. Trump is attempting the wholly impossible task of appeasing his hard-line base vis-a-vis China, while also appeasing Wall Street. Which is why he alternates trade war escalations with false Twitter platitudes to ease markets. Unfortunately, markets are not happy at getting gamed by alternating conflicting headlines.

"The administration’s obsession with stock valuations, is either a complete misunderstanding of how the stock market works, or a failure to realize that it’s not part of the populist agenda.”

It's both.

Speaking of alternating headlines, another codger just imploded Wall Street's delusion bubble by accidentally telling the truth. 

Which is how this administration works - truth solely by accident and unintentional gaffe: 


Two down one to go

"Nothing that took place in 2018 was so unusual or unprecedented as to disrupt any sound financial plan, so staying the course is the only rational conclusion anyway."

This will be an excellent test of the hypothesis given that 2019 is beginning on the premise of unprecedented "stay the course" denial.