Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eight Years A Central Bank Muppet

Zerohedge posits the relevant question: why did the muppets just buy the nuclear war dip? They offer the Wall Street axiom that the end of the world only comes once and you can't make any money off of it. However, the truth is that the hairless monkeys have been well trained for eight years to buy every dip with both hands, regardless of risk...

Hence, I'm not betting on the end of the world, I'm betting on the end of denialistic zombies who've perfected the art of knowing everything by knowing nothing.

"This is a six sigma permanent plateau"

"Hold this level until everything is ready for simultaneous collapse"

Here we see that the nature and character of this rally has changed in that second derivative volatility remains extremely elevated:

Small caps indicate why this is likely the case, as market breadth has deteriorated substantially.

Here small caps are shown with the S&P VIX:

The "world is saved by changing nothing" rally vis-a-vis fake reflation: