Monday, October 24, 2016

No Bid Clusterfuck

The status quo is one gap 'n crap away from bankruptcy...

ZH: Oct. 24, 2016
Bundesbank Confirms HFT Withdraws At Times of Stress

What causes Flash Crashes is overowned ETFs with stop losses beneath them when the market is limit down due to China devaluing their currency overnight...

In a prior life I worked on a seine boat off Prince Rupert. The purse seine is set in a large circle around a school of fish and then closed off when the boat picks up the end. At first the enclosure is wide and the salmon are complacent. But the net gets inexorably tighter and the fish grow 'anxious'. Eventually they panic. 

I think we all see where I'm going with this...
To be sure, today's zombies can take a lot of pain - the power of corporate-assisted euthanasia can't be overestimated. Prechter's Social Mood theory makes no allowance for self-medicated zombies, Skynet doesn't have any Social Mood, and Central Banks have reverse-engineered greed. Nevertheless, the net is already closed, and there's no way out when the zombies finally realize they're fucked company like last times...


IPOs confirm (lack of ) liquidity

Look up. Look down...

"The Rising Wedge is a bearish pattern that begins wide at the bottom and contracts as prices move higher and the trading range narrows."

S&P overnight gaps with internet fund

The net is closed...

"We are holding no cash"