Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The End of Bullshit aka. Carbon Sequestration

The pathological lying oil industry and its denialistic acolytes are about to get buried by their own fucking lies. The irony can't be overlooked...

ZH: Oct. 24, 2016
"Oil price forecasters are not really quacks and charlatans who don't know what they're doing..."

No, you just act like quacks and charlatans who don't know what you're doing, because you're industry-owned whores who need morons to recapitalize your collapsing industry...
"Exxon Mobil and Chevron are not the only companies in the S&P 500 Energy sector expected to report a year-over-year decline in earnings for the third quarter. In fact 26 of the 37 companies in the sector (70%) have reported or are projected to report a year-over-year decline in EPS for the quarter. In aggregate, the Energy sector is reporting year-over-year decline in earnings of -73%. If the sector reports a decline in earnings, it will mark the 7th straight quarter that the Energy sector has reported a year-over-year decline in earnings.

Gamblers are betting on a MASSIVE rally in oil...

S&P 500 Energy sector earnings per share with Energy Sector ETF. Note where profits (red) are relative to stocks, compared to 2009. Stocks are higher now, while profits are negative...

The "good"

"The mean EPS estimate for Exxon Mobil for Q3 2016 is $0.59, compared to year ago actual EPS of $1.01"

The bad

The ugly

As long as oil isn't already rolling over like last year, this will all be fine...

Where the bodies are buried by OPEC hopium: