There have been three volatility shocks in the past year, each resulting in a 100-200 point S&P downside move. Stoned gamblers never got the memo...
Each of the past three volatility shocks were preceded by major weakening in the Chinese Yuan...
15 day rate of change:
PonziWorld August 22nd, 2016
"After all these years, the market's story is still same: It still likes bad news...There's little else to explain a gain in stocks Friday that came on the heels of yet another disappointing August jobs report...Job quality was weak, salary growth and the workweek eased, and if it wasn't for a government hiring spree, the numbers would have been considerably worse."
ZH: Sept. 4th, 2016
"Correlations across asset classes are at or near record highs...record speculative long positioning in US equities and record speculative shorts in VIX...can only end in catastrophe."
Cash balances inverted:
Capital "Safe haven"