Thursday, July 28, 2016

History's Biggest Bull Trap

Low volume and volatility are the order of the day, as the past two weeks features the narrowest S&P 500 trading range since 1995. In addition, this is the week of the Tech Moonshot, as Skynet is getting desperate to keep this shit show levitated. The last time we saw that was last July...

So far, Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook have gapped higher. After hours, Google and Amazon are joining the party...

Risk exposure by Active Managers is near record highs:

Volume is at last August levels:

Breadth is "falling"

Global Dow rolling over again...

Oil and Exxon have left the party...

Consumer staples with global GDP (red):

What will Central Banks say when the S&P 500 implodes? What did they say when Europe, China and Japan imploded?
