Social Mood aka. "Panic" will take over from here...
Mega Caps at all time highs (S&P 100)
Volume, volatility, liquidity at all time lows
(stop me any time)
Trade war/China devaluing nightly
EM Currency implosion
Oil in blow-off mode
JPY carry one year downtrend
The Fed in tightening mode
Gamblers reaching for yield in 4x overvalued dividend stocks
Cash Balances all time low
Global investors stampeding into Municipal bonds
It took one month to fall 84 points and four days to retrace 80% of that loss...
Wave 1 green down equals 84 S&P points
Wave 2 retracement 68 points: 81%
Biggest short-covering rally in two months...
Three declining shooting stars on the weekly...