"Climate change was a hoax, but printing money was the secret to effortless wealth, 100% no question..."
"It seemed odd that we were laying people off to make the quarter, but it didn't affect me at the time, so I just said fuck 'em..."
The experiment with FULL-RETARD-o-Nomics is ending. This fabrication makes a cheap tent look steady by comparison...
Last night we learned that the Bank of Japan is now a Top 10 holder of 90% of Japanese stocks. And this week they are looking to increase their fake wealth acquisitions. It only took $3 trillion of newly printed money (red line) to get their fake wealth back to 1986...
In other words, today's Idiocracy actually believes that monetary expansion creates "wealth", and therefore the only question is how to apportion the newly printed fake wealth. You can't make this shit up...
To this point, I just read this article debating whether or not the Trickle down wealth effect "works", to help the economy. Stop me any time. After much reflection, the author (Ritholtz) reaches the tentative conclusion that it probably doesn't. Not because printing money to inflate stocks isn't real wealth mind you, but because...blah, blah, blah...and on a related note, this other article is worried about the distribution of fake wealth. Since most households don't own stocks, they will be disproportionately unaffected when the Ponzi scheme collapses. It's a crisis to be sure.
However, I humbly submit that when Generation Madoff realizes the wealth is fake, that everyone will be on the same page, at the same time and Bernie Sanders will be a top candidate while Hillary Clinton is hung out to dry with her new sponsors the Koch Brothers.
But first we get to watch them all shit their pants when they discover that printing money is not the secret to effortless wealth...