Monday, August 17, 2015

The Cult of Superiority: Fake It 'Til You Break It

Pretending got them this far - to the brick wall of reality.

The end of the line. 

Now the Idiocracy will come face to face with the fact that they're an Idiocracy

Nothing more. Nothing less...

The truest form of Idiocracy doesn't lack answers, it lacks questions.

The height of self-obliterating arrogance: To take human slavery for granted, under the fake assumption that "we're better than them". 

Did it ever occur to even one Econo-dunce to ask why "they" get paid ten cents on the dollar to do the same work we were doing a year ago? And what amount of debt would be required to broker the difference?

The only thing exceptional about this society is the profound depths of its combined arrogance and stupidity.