Sunday, July 26, 2015

On The Turning Away

The "Fuck You Jack, I'm Ok" historical experiment is ending. It turns out that human beings were not meant to be disposable corporate widgets after all. The only thing that isn't ending, is the obligatory fantasy that this isn't ending...

July 23, 2015 Paul Craig Roberts:
The Eroding Character of the American People
"Little, if anything, remains of the “American character."

"American people have lost, in addition to their own sense of truth and falsity, any sense of mercy and justice for other peoples"

Little remains of the American character, having been fully monetized. Character is gone because corporations had no use for it. Character is not conducive to maximization of quarterly profit, as the first and last priority. Some companies say they have other goals, such as "don't be evil", but as soon as they miss a quarter, those go straight out the fucking window. In comes the CFO from Morgan Stanley, making $70 million/year to "right size" everyone.     

Americans may have been among the first to be systematically denatured by Corporations, but by no means the last. The same inhumanity virus that afflicts this country has spread globally, inflicting untold inhumanity on a daily basis, in the name of "economic growth", "progress", and "the end of poverty". All of which is merely code word for obscene levels of corporate profit. 

What a sick fucking joke. Globalization which was sold as an end to poverty, did the exact opposite - spreading it globally. All while self-indulgent morons were too busy binge shopping to realize they were being monetized, like their Walmart slaves at the bottom. De-humanized corporate batteries, having fulfilled their purpose.

After 2008, the people at the top of this clusterfuck failed to give a shit that the model completely stopped working. The BRIC superstars of globalization (Brazil, Russia, India, China) turned into Bricks literally overnight as the myth of indefinite growth blew away like pixie dust when the Ponzi scheme collapsed. So this post-2008 model is even more brutal, more extreme, less humane. It's unencumbered by any fake pretense of "progress". Shock doctrine on radical steroids...

"Fuck 'em. They're just slaves now, that's a real shame. As long as they keep making the cheap shit at Walmart, it's all good"

CNBC: July 9, 2015

And the Idiocracy still hasn't figured out the root cause of the problem, because they 100% sold out to it. Life without cheap junk, is unthinkable.

"Which revenueless Biotech IPOs should I buy while our Third World sweatshop is collapsing?"
Shanghai Composite (red) with Dow

Globalization is 100% CYNK'd to the downside

The people at the top of this clusterfuck are totally clueless about what's coming.

Too busy bounding gleefully into the same dumpster they created for everyone else.