After 9/11, the Idiocracy curled up into the fetal position and allowed GovCo to take away all civil liberties. After 2008, the Idiocracy curled up into the fetal position and allowed Wall Street to take away everything else...
The world is not enough for Wall Street
"A recent flurry of four-figure staff reductions by American Express Co. (AXP), eBay Inc. (EBAY), Coca-Cola Co. (KO) and other Big Business stalwarts might seem at odds with the broader picture of a cash-rich Corporate America enjoying record profits and buoyant stock prices."
The Dow 30 has added a mere 6% more jobs since the depths of the recession in 2009, while profit per employee went up 34%:
ALL Net Job Creation Since 2012 Came From Small Business
"Indeed, the number of people who work at these blue-chip firms, in aggregate, has been about static since the end of 2012, even as the U.S. economy has added more than three million net jobs. "
"Excess" (Unsustainable) Profit:
Productivity versus Wages:
Multinational corporations destroy human health, jobs, small businesses, economies, entire countries, and this planet.
Aside from that they're great.