Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another Inconvenient Reality

No blog or conspiracy theorist could conjure up a more ironic scenario than a hurricane that works its way all the way up the East Coast and deposits its greatest impact on downtown Manhattan aka. The Financial District aka. Wall Street.  

Like all things in the Idiocracy, this fetish with denying Climate Change is just another case of the 400 pound society unwilling to make difficult choices, starting with facing reality.  Despite overwhelming scientific evidence and overwhelming consensus among non-industry stooge scientists, society at large has convinced itself that belief in climate reality is just another choice to be made.

When put in the context of a society that daily pumps its kids full of toxic junk food in the name of 'consumer choice', plunders its grandchildren because it can't face fiscal reality, or buys oil from terror sponsoring countries  - then  global warming denialism is perfectly predictable.  At this juncture it would be wholly uncharacteristic of the Idiocracy to expend any thought or effort toward activities that don't deliver immediate consumption-oriented gratification.   

What we can fully expect is that as the frequency and intensity of these storms increases, then public sentiment will magically morph from a desire to drive an SUV guilt-free across five states to a weekend soccer tournament, to eventually realizing that something needs to be done.  Of course, by then it will be far too late.  In other words the current societal bias towards climate denialism has nothing to do with a rigorous scientific insight, it's strictly a propaganda reinforced consensus based once again on the fundamental flawed assumption that reality can be delayed indefinitely.  

These lowland coastal areas that just got hit by Hurricane Sandy are now permanently blighted.  If they had flood insurance, surely they can rebuild, but the likelihood of getting insurance again at any reasonable cost, just went to nil.  And without insurance, good luck selling those properties.  Which just means that all lowland areas along the coastal U.S. in the potential path of hurricanes are likely to be eventually blighted as investment capital dries up.  Then of course, there are the impacts of rising sea levels which will obliterate those low lying areas not directly impacted by hurricanes.  

Like all other aspects of comfort seeking reality denialism, the noose is getting tighter as mother nature demands amounts well past due.