Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Cataclysmic Paradigm Shift

History will say that MAGA was a last ditch attempt to rescue America from socialist mediocrity, via another round of zero sum predatory capitalism. However, it exploded spectacularly, en route to making corruption great again. Hard to believe, as that may sound...

The reason most people don't see this coming, is because they are fixated on the impeachment circus, which preoccupies the 24 hours news cycle, 24x7. Then there is the MAGA economic mythology which is now running on 3% borrowed GDP glue fumes and incessant lying. And not least, the fact that they have all been well and fully drugged by "the virtual simulation of prosperity and its acolyte QE"...


Now, less than one year to the existential election, and it can come as no surprise, that we've been getting deluged lately by slum dog billunaires informing us how good everything is going. Bill Gates, richest man in world history, now official spokesman for the world's poor - just keep waiting, another century or two at this pace and you will be middle class, if there is still a planet. 

Therefore, it was shocking to hear someone tell the inconvenient truth for once. Someone who didn't have to wrap it in a "Deep State" conspiracy theory for spoon feeding to an echo chamber of groupthink man-boys. Instead, putting the blame back where it belongs - on the system itself. Dear Lord, you can't blame the system... 

It only took ten years of non-stop monetary bailouts mind you.

Ray Dalio's post, World Gone Mad, talks about these non-stop bailouts that for the rich have created a synthetic prosperity that comes at the expense of the middle class.

"Money is free for those who are creditworthy because the investors who are giving it to them are willing to get back less than they give. More specifically investors lending to those who are creditworthy will accept very low or negative interest rates and won’t require having their principal paid back for the foreseeable future...expected returns are left to investors’ imaginations."

There is now so much money wanting to buy these dreams that in some cases venture capital investors are pushing money onto startups that don’t want more money because they already have more than enough; but the investors are threatening to harm these companies by providing enormous support to their startup competitors if they don’t take the money."

At the same time as money is essentially free for those who have money and creditworthiness, it is essentially unavailable to those who don’t have money and creditworthiness...Also contributing to these gaps are the technological advances that investors and the entrepreneurs that I previously mentioned are excited by in the ways I described, and that also replace workers with machines. 

In other words, today's "entrepreneurs" are paid to borrow free money to be deployed to 'excitedly' replace workers with machines. The hypothetical return on these non-amortizing "investments" is the domain of imagined reality. Of course, recently these types of profitless gambits have been exploding left and right. As the "hype and hope" bubble is now collapsing.

Markets are getting a tad antsy that we might not replace all of the humans in time to turn a profit. 

"Uber’s self-driving tech failed to consider how humans actually operate."

It gets better:

“This set of circumstances is unsustainable and certainly can no longer be pushed as it has been pushed since 2008. That is why I believe that the world is approaching a big paradigm shift,”

Yes, you read that right. The man who runs the largest hedge fund in the world, admits that capitalism has failed the majority:

January 2019:

“Capitalism basically is not working for the majority of people. That’s just the reality”

“Today, the top one-tenth of 1 percent of the population’s net worth is equal to the bottom 90 percent combined. In other words, a big giant wealth gap. That was the same — last time that happened was the late ’30s,”

The American Powerball lottery.

Dalio doesn't elucidate what paradigm shift is about to take place. However, her name is Elizabeth Warren.

And she is the EXACT opposite of the SUPER DUMBFUCK in power now. Eminently intelligent, literate, and concerned for the FUTURE of her country. Not just concerned about padding her own wallet in the here and now. 

And she will be introduced to the world by the largest asset crash in world history. Without any possible comparison.