Sunday, October 20, 2019

"No True Believer In Corruption Saw It Coming"

No one could warn them, they didn't trust anyone who can be trusted...

This week highlighted the stark contrast between fantasy and reality at this parlous juncture: Moody's assessment of Trump re-election lock in 2020 based on the economy, and the IMF's assessment that investors are sniffing too much monetary glue.

Banana Republicans now have existential denial...

"The belief in a central bank rescue is allowing investors to ignore tensions over international trade policy and uncertainty about the global economic outlook...A separate report released by the international agency on Tuesday portrayed the global economy as getting perilously close to recession territory."

"President Donald Trump looks likely to cruise to reelection next year under three different economic models Moody’s Analytics employed to gauge the 2020 race...Barring anything unusual happening"

Because sniffing glue is no longer unusual. Which means that reality is now a Black Swan event. 

For Republicans, denial is their entire way of life. It warps and disinforms every aspect of their Disney reality - how they view the economy, health(care), politics, and of course the environment. Always the most selfish fraudulently optimistic view. After all, who are the net beneficiaries of this fiasco anyways? That is, leaving aside their useful Idiocracy who will dutifully pay the full carbon tax for this vacation from responsibility.

This is how a Terminal Idiocracy ends:
Just keep lowering the bar until it all explodes and no one sees it coming:

"To be sure, the companies are being rated on a very low bar this earnings season. Analysts polled by FactSet expected third-quarter earnings to have fallen by 4.6%"

Brexit is much like Trump's trade war - non-stop lying by super clowns. Not even the slightest resolution in sight. The Brexit fiasco reached another impasse this weekend.

In historical retrospect, it will be clear that the 2008 bailout for criminals emboldened far greater criminality in the ensuing decade. All predicted by moral hazard.

Conflict of interest is no longer considered a problem for Republicans, it's now a critical feature. The fox is in the hen house.

All regulatory financial safeguards have now been removed.

All fiscal and monetary stimulus reserves have been squandered rigging the 2018 mid-term election and now the 2020 election.

Stock market safe havens are now at a four decade high overvaluation. 

Wall Street is no longer hedging - belief in the "Fed put" is extant.


The useful Idiocracy has been fully desensitized to corruption. For them, it's a way of life.

Industry has completed the takeover of government. Free market acolytes don't believe in government, which is why they are constantly seeking to dismantle it and sell it off to the highest bidder. Much like what happened to Russia in the 1990s. Trump's cabinet is corrupt from one end to the other. All industry captured delegates.

All told this is all very much like 1929 deja vu:

A business friendly president. De-regulation of corruption. Excessive risk taking. An artificially prolonged cycle - well beyond historical bounds. 

This time, however, featuring an already advanced trade war, record low interest rates, and record pro-cyclical U.S. deficit aka. Borrowed GDP.

In other words, "It was all just corruption as usual"

"President Donald Trump looks likely to cruise to reelection next year under three different economic models Moody’s Analytics employed to gauge the 2020 race...

Barring anything unusual happening"

Ten days until the next imaginary bailout