Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MAGA Carbon Collapse Is The Only Future

Trump's promised land based upon fraud and corruption has no future. It exists only in the minds of incontinent geezers whose concern for the future measures the distance to their fork. They won't have to deal with the consequences of this consumption orgy, which is why they don't want it to end. Irresponsibility to the future is their entire way of life. They can't stop now...

Sadly however, MAGA was never anything more than an end of cycle cash out strategy for corporate insiders. Propagated by trusted psychopaths against the usual denialistic Kool-Aid addicts for whom the inconvenient truth is no longer an option. The Trump angel of mercy has succeeded in removing all of the fiscal, monetary and regulatory safety nets. The hook is set. 

This can all end now...

The climate activists are rising to the occasion, unfortunately they have their work cut out for them in a society of cynical locusts hell-bent on consuming this planet. Very similar to Occupy Wall Street protests eight years ago, these climate activists have little chance of altering the course of a stampeding herd of consumption zombies. What is needed to achieve true carbon collapse is a culling of the herd, at the hands of trusted psychopaths.

Let's say for example, an unforeseen mega crash caused by rampant denial of reality, appeared out of nowhere to collapse a big, fat, ugly bubble of arrogance that was assiduously believed by the dumbest and most facile people on this planet. Useful carbon, preyed upon relentlessly by their own trusted Party sociopaths.

“If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition,”

Moody’s based its projections on how consumers feel about their own financial situation, the gains the stock market has achieved during Trump’s tenure...Should those variables hold up, the president looks set to get another four-year term."

“This shows the importance that prevailing economic sentiment at the household level could hold in the next election.”

Stock market levels also are key, and the two are intertwined"

True believers have faith that Trump is their saviour sent to drain the swamp. Somehow not realizing that their beloved pussy grabber IS the swamp.

"As Glantz explains, the very people who profited from the misery of the housing crash are now setting the rules of the financial system in ways guaranteed to create more victims. “Drain the swamp” has turned into “invite the thieves to update your burglar alarm.”

“The deal I just made with China is, by far, the greatest and biggest deal ever made for our Great Patriot Farmers in the history of our Country,” the president tweeted. “

Bloomberg reports that China wants another round of talks before even thinking about signing “phase one” of the trade deal,

Of course, this is far from the first time Trump has lied through his caps when it comes to a trade deal. Back in December 2018, he boasted to reporters that he’d struck an “incredible” trade deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping that blew up in his face a mere 24 hours later. In August, a breakthrough call with China turned out to actually have never happened."

Lies are just part of the appeal of Trump. The inconvenient truth is abhorred by the "true believers" in fraud and corruption. Instead of being concerned over climate change, these aspirational idiots are actively embracing it. Someone who doesn't care about their own health isn't going to care about this planet.

To them, irresponsibility is a way of life.  

U.S. domestic truck / car ratio:

On the other side of this clearly unforeseen collapse, life will continue, albeit at a more moderate level of consumption. What zombies survive will be forced to question their beliefs, their leaders, and their own intelligence. Ultimately they will arrive at the realization that they were the problem all along. And the solution. And, total fucking morons evincing the morality of a nine year old crack whore.

Much of today's surplus carbon will be permanently sequestered, just not in the way anyone expects. In God's way. Democratically, via natural self-selection. The average IQ of the remaining populace will skyrocket. We can hope the cull will be humane via a modest adjustment in the birth/death ratio, but we all know some amount of biblical dislocation will take place. The silent carbon harvest has already started, compliments of Big Pharma and Big Mac: efficiently taking down the most ponderous members of the herd. An efficient and pain free corporate exit strategy for those boxed in by a lifetime of bad choices.

Nevertheless, life is for the living. Those who never got the memo, probably won't mind anyways.

Everyone dies, not everyone lives.