Saturday, August 17, 2019

Judge Not, Lest Ye Not See What's Coming

"You know I hate, detest, and can't bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but simply because it appalls me. There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies - which is exactly what I hate and detest in the world"
- Joseph Conrad, Heart Of Darkness

It looked as though George Bush would end this Roman Circus. He took a pretty good shot. But compliments of deaths of despair, the Idiocracy found another gear lower on the dumbfuck scale - an expert at evading taxes of every kind. MAGA is maximum regression and irresponsibility in every direction. Which means that this is going to make 2008 seem like a joyride by comparison.

"All forward decks now open for swimming"

Corporations are extremely efficient at killing off this species. We are no longer humans, we are "consumers". We now exist solely to be fed back through the meat grinder to prove that economists and their failed ideas are not entirely morally, financially, and intellectually bankrupt. The main lesson not learned from 2008. Fast forward two years of MAGA nirvana and deaths of despair have reached a new record. Which presumably portends well for Trump in 2020, although like all aspects of Trump's crumbling election rigging strategy - this gambit appears to be peaking early.

I get why the shrink-wrapped zombies need to be South Park cocained in their moments away from the burrito assembly line. Being used up to make the quarter leaves no room for questioning the official narratives. The longest expansion in U.S. history will continue forever. Fifty years ago, we were sending real men to the Moon. Fast forward a half century and today's Lost Boys question that it ever happened. Their ritalin-collapsed brains in no way capable of understanding what it would take to get there again. All while today's alt-Reality reactionaries throw away what's left of their final hour, strutting and fretting the demographic destiny of the "progressives". Sound and fury signifying the Age of Trump. Intentionally blind to the banquet of consequences now set before us by their own serially-corrupt regressives. Those wholly incapable of charting a path to a better future that doesn't have them at the center of the universe.

All of which speaks to Japanification - The stagnation of a society by and for the benefit of an old age home incapacitated by self-inflicted change. The downside of denial being the avoidance of adaptation. Adaptation, essential to human survival.

In the race to the bottom certain countries will always reach that point first. The weakest links break the chain. And then all hell breaks loose. 

At this late stage, bonds are screaming recession, and sector rotation within U.S. stocks is also screaming recession. The only stocks still "working" are deflation trades. 

"Navarro said that the yield curve is actually sending a positive signal. He said foreign capital is coming into the bond market due to the strength of the Trump economy"

Navarro sees a bullish case for the U.S. economy this year. He said the Federal Reserve needs to embark on very aggressive interest rate cuts through the end of the year"

"As long as the Fed understands that a strong economy requires aggressive interest rate cuts, this will all be fine"