Friday, January 18, 2019

White Man's Burden

"Rome seeks its own glory, wars against other peoples to subjugate them, revels in material existence, lives off the work of slave labor, allows many to die of poverty and starvation, and promotes entertaining circuses and gladiator spectacle. The Rabbis, picturing redemption, remark that the messianic age will be recognized when an end is brought to the rule of wickedness."

Which two countries were most responsible for spreading "free trade" economics globally - Britain and the United States. And which two are now trying hardest to blow up the system. Go figure. After 2008 proved that Globalization had failed from an economic perspective, leaving the populace with financial PTSD, both sides of the political spectrum agreed to just accept the de facto slave model as is, and focus instead on social issues. This entire past decade will only be remembered for its fentanyl-assisted suicides, extreme weather disasters, mass shootings, and non-stop political dysfunction. I finally understand Trumptopia. Better too late, than never...

What we face now is the sum total of all of the risks assiduously ignored from the past decade. No amount of warnings can overcome a false profit.

"Welcome to Davos 2019, featuring record global policy uncertainty accumulated from the last nine meetings"

(Index data from:

I have come to realize that Democrats and Trump zealots are not so much disagreeing on the issues, they are disagreeing on what are the issues. In addition, both sides have a totally different "approach". One side, the Democrats, are focused on legalities, moralities, and logic, specifically around the election and Trump's business affairs. The Trump side doesn't care about any of that, they are solely concerned about the changing demographics of the United States. And Trump proves every day to his base that he alone is the only thing standing between them and further demographic "dilution". And for that, they are eternally loyal. Brexit is the exact same thing.  

I get it. I've said myself that Globalization has generated tremendous cultural strife and turmoil, in the name of creating a global monoculture. Regional cultural sovereignty has been abandoned, in favour of a common market. The fact is however, that the ascendant global monoculture is more a product of corporate colonization than it is a "Libtard conspiracy". No one has benefited more from mass immigration than U.S. multinational corporations. No one has benefited more from the opening of borders than U.S. shareholders. De facto Ponzi economics is predicated upon the perpetual growth in global and U.S. population size. Meanwhile, U.S. demographic change is already baked into the cake. The function of prior decades of "pro-growth" economic policy. No wall of any magnitude is going to change that fact. The non-white walkers are already inside the wall.  

All of which explains why the Republican-controlled Senate won't lift a finger to aid and abet the "witch hunt". Which by any sane measure is not a witch hunt at all, it's a measured look at a man who has engaged in rampant fraud and illegality his entire life. But again, he alone is the bulwark against takeover by the brown horde - even against his own party. So the fact that Putin has his hand up Trump's ass, is wholly irrelevant. Because Putin is a nationalist himself. 

Of course, this blog is not primarily concerned with politics. It's primarily concerned with economic "efficacy", sustainability, and widespread prosperity. 

Which is the problem, because neither side of the political spectrum wants to address the underlying economic issues, preferring instead a power struggle over who gets to be the next Captain of the Titanic. Which means that regardless of legal outcomes, neither side has even the remotest chance of "winning" this battle.

They can talk past each other all they want. It's not going to affect the final outcome of Ponzi economics one bit. Quite apart from the Peter Pan fantasy Zerohedge would have us believe about "restoring Reagan's alt-white nirvana" - propagating theft is the only real reason why the Republican party tolerates Trump. Those who go along with it, are what Russian KGB agents call, "useful idiots".

Just like they were in the last cycle.