Saturday, December 22, 2018

Falling From Grace

The competitive consumption lifestyle is a dead-end: morally, spiritually, intellectually, financially and environmental. Some people like to learn the hard way.

Trump now has free reign over Circus Maximus. Clowntopians are ecstatic. The term "ill-fated" seems most appropriate.

"Everyone I met in Beijing this week, from the elite to the street, believes the recent arrest of the prominent Huawei executive transiting through Canada confirms what they suspected all along: the United States is intent on keeping China down."

America’s vulnerability lies in the fact that a trade war that damages the Chinese economy also damages its own. The stock market — an indicator of confidence in where things are headed — has taken notice with yet another steep dive driven by fresh reports of a slowdown in China"

Make and Break

The means by which the U.S. broke the Soviet Union in the late '80s was via an arms race the U.S.S.R could not afford.

Now with Mattis and Kelly out of the way, Putin has his hand all the way up Trump's ass. Only blue sky between bat shit crazy and demented hill billies on Twitter.

Rush Limbaugh now running the U.S. government. Into the ground. 

Trump was the only proof anyone needed, to realize this was all going to end very very badly.

Dec. 17th, 2018:

This is where the Mueller investigation is going to land:

The amount of rage that is about to be unleashed when the zombies are rudely awakened, is impossible to fathom.